glx 840p a+pqa s delivery

In light of the rapid changes sweeping through the social and economic landscape, the printing industry is undergoing significant transformations. Among the critical challenges facing printing company management is the quest to enhance productivity in the printing process.

To address this challenge, the Lithrone G40 advance presses offer a solution by delivering high productivity and print quality alongside ease of operation. Embracing the Connected Automation concept, these presses foster strengthened collaboration and optimization between processes, while also integrating high-level automation with presets derived from advanced systems. This integration results in a holistic improvement in productivity across the entire printing process.

In this new era, the Lithrone G40 advance emerges as an indispensable tool for printing company management, providing the capabilities needed to navigate and thrive in the evolving landscape of the printing industry.

Product Features for KOMORI LITHRONE G40 Advance Offset Printing Press: 

  • The press offers a maximum printing speed of 16,500 sheets per hour and delivers very stable high-speed operation with a wide range of sheet thicknesses from ultrathin to thick sheets.
  • The Asynchronous Automatic Plate Changer (A-APC)* significantly improves working efficiency and greatly reduce preparation time. (Also available for Full-APC*)
  • Fusion of the KHS-AI integrated control system and the H-UV/H-UV L (LED)* system shortens makeready time, cuts paper waste, and reduces printing time to the utmost while maintaining the high print quality and high productivity that are characteristic of offset printing. Both ultimate short-run competence and short job cycle times are achieved.
  • Saves energy and resources, reduces harmful chemical substances such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released during printing, and reduces noise. The Lithrone G40 advance is an environmentally responsible press.

Product Specifications for KOMORI LITHRONE G40 Advance Offset Printing Press: 

Model: LITHRONE G40 advance
Max. printing speed: 16,500 sph
Number of colors: 2, 4-8
Max. sheet size: 750×1050 mm
Max. printing area: 710×1020 mm
Plate size: 800×1030 mm
Feeder pile height: 1,110 mm
Delivery pile height: 1,110 mm

Further information on this machine can be viewed by visiting this link

Do you have one of these or similar for sale? Please click here start to list your machine for sale today. 

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